Playroom after 10 Days of Hard Play
Playroom after 10 Days of Hard Play

The most important thing about any organization project is that the maintenance of the organization be simple, easy, and QUICK, no matter what your personality type. One of the big problems with this playroom is that while it had good structure, there were no categories, themes or, um, organization to it. So yes, Dad, even though at the end of the first day of hard play it looked almost as bad as it did before the organization project, it only took me five minutes to put it back together. Really.

And then I got sick. So I wasn’t able to tidy up every day. And frankly, as an Organic Freedom (NFP) it’s just not my bag to be tidying up the basement, EVERY DAY. Yes, maybe the communal living spaces, but if I don’t see a mess I truly forget about it. That’s why the playroom is in the basement. So I let it go for 10 whole days. Other family members sarcastically commented that it looked just as bad as it did before my organization project, but my critical family member who shall remain anonymous for now,  just didn’t understand pixie magic.

Playroom after 30 Minutes of Clean Up. Subsequent Clean Up Takes Five Minutes Tops
Playroom after 30 Minutes of Clean Up. Subsequent Clean Up Takes Five Minutes Tops

It was a big old mess, but since my personality type has a difficult time with time, I set a timer and set to work. It took me 35 minutes. Divide that by 10 days and you’ve got 3 1/2 minutes a day. Now that I’m better, it never takes me longer than five minutes. If I let it go a day or two, it’s still under 10. The only thing I’ve had to be careful about is not letting other people tidy. That’s when trouble can start. The minute someone else starts throwing toys willy nilly into half empty or empty bins that have been dumped by the playroom’s three year old occupant, then chaos will ensue. How does this pixie solve that problem? Yes, coming up next week, “The Magic and Art of Labels.”

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