
Dear K & K:

My partner and I are arguing over how close to arrange the living room furniture. Is there an ideal amount of space between furniture?

Sincerely: Annoyed in Alabama

Dear Annoyed: Yes! There is … about 18” between couch and coffee table. Enough room for you to move but also close enough that you don’t have to stand to put your drink down. Buy Lauri Wards book, “Use What You Have Decorating“. Ms. Ward lays out all the basics. But here are three more furniture fundamentals.

Furniture rule #1

Furniture should never block an egress in your home.

Furniture rule #2

Furniture doesn’t have to be shoved against the walls.

Furniture rule #3

Your coffee table should be roughly the same height as seat of couch.

Best of luck to you,

Katie & Kelly


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