It’s So Good We Give It Twice

Yes, matching hangers, again. But there’s a reason. First, there’s nothing easier to do than to give your closet a cohesive organized look than matching hangers. It also encourages you to keep things looking nice. And practically speaking, your clothes last longer if they are hung on the correct hangers.

But, here is the most important WHY behind matching hangers, straight from our favorite Stylist Lani Rosenstock Inlander: You can see the clothes better if the background they are on is the same and everything is hanging on the same level. Lani might be a top Manhattan stylist but she also happens to be one of the thriftiest, most practical persons we know. She’s never suggest you waste money on something frivolous.

If you have the space, i.e., you do not live in New York City, or another crowded closet real estate market then Lani recommends these. If you don’t have the space, i.e., you live in New York City, or a similar crowded urban environment, then these are second best. Because they’re thin, strong, and nothing will slip off.

If you want a nice, organized closet, you need matching hangers. Period. We are drilling home this point because it is the most often piece of advice that clients want to ignore. It’s dismissed as either impractical (Funs or Classics) or nothing you’d ever really notice (Organics & Smarts).

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