As a Classic Freedom, I have so much trouble saying no to party invitations. Often they’re from friends who I really want to see and with whom I want to maintain friendships. My inability to say no is only a mild problem until the holidays when invites go into overdrive.

Organic Structures also have a similar tendency to struggle with saying “No!” Organic Freedoms can too but when pushed to the edge, they’re better at finding a way to back out gracefully (or at least feel less guilty about it.) Ditto for Classic Structures. Smarts & Funs have the easiest time begging out of things. Smarts because it makes sense and Funs because they’re not over-schedulers to begin with for a reason (they know ‘when to say when’ less they be penned in by a rigid schedule!)

So, Classics and Organic Structure and a few of you Organic Freedoms, heres’s the trick to knowing when to say no — first decide whether you really want to go and second decide whether it makes any logical sense to go. Make sure your answer is yes to both of those before actually saying, “Yes.” Otherwise, say “No” and don’t give it a second thought. (I know Funs & Smarts are scratching their heads right about now). Start saying “No” this holiday season and then practice it throughout the year for events that sap you of energy. This will free up your calendar for things you love to do that don’t leave you exhausted.

Best for Classics, Organic Structure and Organic Freedoms

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