Kool-Aid was my go to drink as a child — I would always go right for the red. But, after writing this Pixie Tip, now I know my beloved drink mix isn’t just for drinking. In today’s tip, we bring you new uses for Kool-Aid. Who is kooler than us??

Scarfs can cost a pretty penny and sometimes it’s hard to justify their cost because of the lack of fabric that goes into them. But with a little help from our good old and faithful Kool-Aid, we can make beautiful play silk scarfs in minutes for under $5. With blogger The Artful Parent’s instructions and some affordable white silk scarfs, you’ll be well on your way. These are not only great to wear or for kids to play with, they are also a totally great idea for gifts! Kelly thinks that the personality types who would most like these as gifts would be Organics and some funky Funs. She thinks Smarts and Classics are likely way too conservative for these as gifts — but perhaps a couple of Smart Freedoms might dig them.

Now for a less glamorous use for Kool-Aid, but just as useful, we’ll head on over to the kitchen. No, we’re not gonna put it in a pitcher and drink it. Use that packet of Kool-Aid powder to clean out any dish washer when it is starting to look a little grimy. All the citric acid in the powder will apparently clean your dishwasher and all you need to do is run a load. Kelly doubts it would be a brilliant idea to use my favorite Kool-Aid Flavor, red. Or as she put it, “I mean if it can dye silk scarfs, wouldn’t it dye the inside of your dishwasher?” Play it safe and use a lemony/citron Kool-Aid color.

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