The geeky former equity analyst in me came up with the title for today’s tip. LIFO means “Last In First Out”— it’s a method for tracking and valuing inventory. “Get started on the pileup of family photos by placing current pictures in albums first. When you finally have extra time, sort through and add the rest.” — Donna Smallin, author of A to Z Storage Solutions (Storey)

I instinctively followed this gal’s advice when my first kid turned one last year. I have a slew of photographs sitting around organized in photo bins dating back to 2003 patiently waiting to be put into albums. But, I realized that if I started where I’d left off (2003 was the last time I had actual free time) and put his first year album at the end of my mental photo album project list, then it would never be done.

Let’s face I didn’t do the other albums because I kept saying to myself, “Once I get this done, I’ll be less busy and will get to it.” But, it never happened. Something always comes up to make me as busy tomorrow as I was yesterday. There is truly a bit of genius in the saying “there is no time like the present.”

Funs, Organics & Smart Freedoms, I know it’s hard to consider letting go of doing old albums first but if you seize the present, you’ll start getting them done. I can’t tell you how many kids (err adults) are bummed that their mom didn’t have baby books for them or childhood albums put together. So, stop postponing because you want to do them ALL and want to do them PERFECTLY. Stretch your personality preference and do what’s right in front of you. Prioritize. Do present tense albums.

The key to getting things like photo albums done for Classics, Organic Structures, and Smart Structures is to follow Smallin’s advice BUT then actually put it on your To Do list and don’t be a perfectionist. I put “Make Ted’s Album” on my To Do list and 6 months later. I finally finished it (although annoyingly I accidentally deleted it on my Mac after ordering only one copy and there was one or two typos … argh!) But, it’s done and I’m not looking back because if I tried to re-make it, I’d go insane and his 2nd year is almost up. Who cares if I accidentally put a boob shot of me on the back cover? Plus that photo taught me that V-necks are not so great when you’re romping around with kids and I’ll deal with Ted’s mortification later.

I’m hoping retirement yields my dream of being less busy so I can get to putting 2003-2008 into photo albums. Who knows, maybe I’ll have to get bunion surgery one day and that’ll give me time to do them. One can always dream.

Good for All Stretched for Time

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