Last Minute Christmas Panic! (Can be a good thing.)

LastMinuteHEROThere are certain types who tend to be a little bit late with the holiday and Christmas shopping. I won’t say what types, but yes those types who tend to be late in real life, tend to be late with the shopping. So okay, I’ll fess, that’s the Funs, Organic Freedoms (yes, um, me!) and the Smart Freedoms who leave things to the last minute more than they don’t.

That’s not to say that they won’t throw a curve ball into the mix and do things insanely early, or even normally early, but it happens. This year I’ve got my Christmas decorations up the week after Thanksgiving which is pretty darn early for me. I know there are people who put them up before Thanksgiving or on the Friday after Thanksgiving, but that’s just crazy talk to even my most Classic Freedom sister who likes tradition more than getting a jump on things, which is why she sticks to the traditional twelve days of Christmas and makes sure her tree will last until her birthday on January 5th. I’m hoping mine makes it to New Year’s Day. Oh who’s kidding who, it won’t, but it will still be up.

So what’s the positives of waiting till the last minute? Deadlines have a way of sharpening the minds of Funs and Organic Freedoms and Smart Freedoms, and decisions can mean endless back and forth and makes the task of buying not as much fun. Plus, we get crazy excited and want to give our presents away right away. Its another reason why I wait to the last minute to write my PixieTips, when I start early I tend to go on and on and on, when I’ve got an hour to bang it out, I get it done in half. I don’t know why. It’s just how my brain works.

So yes, there are plenty of us last minute panic people who make ourselves start early because that’s what you do, but it is pushing against our preferences. We are naturally last minute people who do the best shopping, the best decorating, and the best celebrating at the last minute! Embrace your true natures and get it done easy peasy.

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