Double Hang

Dear Katie & Kelly,

Oh my god, do you have any Pixie Tips for Laundry? I can’t fold. Even when every thing I need is in the wash, my drawers are full. And now that I’m a stay at home mom, my husband (reasonably) expects me to do his laundry, which is now shoving more clothes that don’t fit into places. And now even the baby drawers are starting to get crowded! It makes me feel SO terrible. I can’t hire a laundry service but that’s my fantasy. I have all of these old clothes that I don’t throw out even though I pare it down frequently. Since you’re an expert, any help? I feel so blocked and it’s such a blind spot for me!!! Like doing dishes and putting away groceries I enjoy. I don’t get it.


Overwhelmed in Omaha


Dear Overwhelmed,

Technically, this is more of a Pixie Tip than a Dear Katie & Kelly column but heck we will forego formalities if it gets our advice out there to you!

We are betting you’re either an Organic Freedom, a Smart Freedom, or a Fun. These types often rock organization in certain areas and fail at others because when something interests you, you’ll take the time to do it right. But when it doesn’t? Well, things can get ugly. Most likely you’re an Organic Freedom or a Smart Freedom because Funs can fold.

First, have your meanest friend go through your closets and drawers to get rid of clothes you are not (or shouldn’t be) wearing. Even the babies’ stuff. We can almost ALWAYS shed more even after we’ve purged on our own. If you’ve got the money hire a stylist to clean it out for you. They’re brutal and you’ll miss next to nothing. Anything sentimental that you don’t wear in there, box it up and put it in deep storage, not active drawers or closet space. Then you’ll have the space to start hanging everything instead of folding it for both you and your husband. Your drawers should be for things like socks and underwear. As for baby stuff. It’s just a pain in the arse. Try rolling her clothes like the Army does.

Second, get a double hang for your closets. The quick fix is pictured above, a temporary bar but you can also redesign your closets at The Container Store or online. Just bring them the measurements.

Third, get thinner, matching hangers. We love huggable hangers. Count how many garments you have after your purge (doing it by yourself or with your nice BFF doesn’t count.) Hang as many clothes as possible as it’s better for you than hiding them in drawers.

Finally, accept that you’re never going to fall in love with doing the laundry. Never. Have you truly researched laundry services in your area? Wash Club NYC charges $1.29/lb to wash and fold with free pick up and delivery. You can even arrange delivery times so that your husband has no idea precisely how the laundry gets done. OR assuming you’re in some sort of honest marriage, explain to your spouse that you want to focus your energies on cooking or some other domestic art you love and you’ll figure out a way to save money in another area of your lives.

Happy hanging,

Katie & Kelly

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