When I first asked KatieEbner, Organic Structure extraordinaire, if she could do some PixieTip recipes, she claimed that she had no recipes even though she cooks dinner for her family every night. Then she said that most days she makes recipes that she’s pre-prepared from Let’s Dish. It’s a neat, convenient solution to the mealtime rush.

I just ordered 4 meals from Let’s Dish and had them delivered frozen. They look awesome, are almost cheaper than making a dinner in NYC and I can’t tell you what a relief it is to not have to plan meals for next week. It was coincidental that I ordered them just as Ebner told me about her Let’s Dish plan of attack. Below is her description of why and how she uses Let’s Dish.

[KatieEbner Goodno] I like Let’s Dish because when the day gets crazy with two little children and they don’t nap at the same time or nap at all, I know I always have something in my freezer I can pull out.  I put the meals together once a month with my cousin, and we do it under one account to combine rewards points.  We make split portions, so we can make the meal how we like it — we like it spicier, she likes mushrooms, etc.  I think they now have the nutritional values online, which will be great!  I like to pick meals that have vegetables, so they can be complete.