Life Should Be Easy: Ditch Your Keys

KwikSetSmartScan-400x318There’s a reason our almost finished book about how to organize using your personality type starts out talking about how stressful it is when you can’t find your keys. It’s the worst. There are new gadgets like Tile or Pixie (great name!) that attach to your keys, remotes, wallets, etc. But the future is now, and keyless entry is the big new thing in improving the value of your home, not to mention make life easy by never having to lose your keys again.

Classics and Funs who worry that these new locks might not be as safe as the old-fashioned kind; it’s just not true. They’re just as fallible as the key kind! If you’re worried about security, most thieves say that video monitoring is the best deterrent. Police say other great deterrents are dogs and keeping your house well-lit on the outside.

There will be some Organics and Smarts who might balk at some of the uglier keyless locks out there, so we found you a good link to some attractive ones. Actually it’s a good link to nearly every kind of keyless lock you can imagine: GoKeyless and never look for your keys again!

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