I lasted on The Carb Addicts diet exactly THREE days. In it, you can’t eat carbs during the day, but after dinner you can eat as much as you want, or something to the effect. I was so hungry and CRAZED by dinner that I overate all the healthy food. It turned me in a rabid hungry beast. I did not even wait to find out if it worked.

My mom, however, an Organic Structure (and my dad a Smart Structure) were able to do this program and the weight melted off. But Mom contends that it was difficult and hard and, well, she didn’t keep the weight off. It’s hard to sustain this kind of abstinence from food, especially when you’re craving it. Also, when your body kind of needs it.

What’s good about diets like these, South Beach, Carb Addicts, Atkins, The Sugar Addicts Totally Recovery Program (yes, actual title), is that they teach you how to eat without spiking your blood sugar. It teaches you that if you eat cookies make sure to pair it with some protein and it’ll slow down the sugar spike. Thus the lovely pairing of chocolate chip cookies and milk. And many of them don’t demonize fat, and who doesn’t love butter? (You’re a liar if you even try to say you don’t)

I think that Smart Structures and Organic Structures will be drawn to this plan because it has structure and rules, but it kind of goes against traditional wisdom, lower your caloric intake and you will lose weight. It has this new, controversial science, that tells you you’ll lose weight quicker if you cut out a whole group of food for a while.

We’re partial to the Sugar Addicts’ Total Recovery Program, as it proposes whole wheat (brown and green foods good, white foods bad) and teaches you how to slowly get rid of the excess sugar and overly processed food in your life.

Best for Smarts









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