While not everyone loves a massage, most do. And honestly, I love them so much that I am admittedly unable to grasp the concept of why someone wouldn’t like them. I have a working theory that Classic, Smart, and Fun Structures generally hate massages (or could take them or leave them), but it’s only a working theory at this point. One that Katie completely disagrees with.  (Amen sister!)  As a Classic Freedom myself, it’s safe to say we generally love them and I’d throw Organics and Fun Freedoms into that mix as well. But, feel free, like Katie to correct me! 

Now, what I love even MORE than a regular massage is a foot massage. I’m addicted to Angel Feet located in NYC’s West Village. My Smart Freedom brother-in-law first introduced me to them. I give a gift certificate to him for Angel Feet almost every Christmas (it’s my old stand-by for him plus they keep a record of my payment so if he loses the actual certificate, he can just call them).

If we assume that my working theory above has some validity to it, I’d give the Classic Structure or Smart Structure women in your life a gift certificate to a pedicure. But, this idea works for all types (usually women although frankly EVERY man I know could benefit from one). And if you happen to know they like massage, throw in a 10-minute chair neck massage to release tension while their tootsies dry.

To find spots for it, try a gift certificate from www.spafinder.com It’s a great way to give this gift without wasting time scouring their area for a local nail salon.

Anyone who likes to be rubbed.

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