Today’s title is for all of the Organic Freedoms (NFP) and Smart Freedoms (NTP) out there who diligently read — and are inspired by — women’s magazine’s Spring Cleaning issues year after year only to fail to accomplish a single item in the issue. It’s not that you didn’t intend to follow through with the inspiration, it’s just that something came up and well you forgot all about it until lo and behold you saw that issue again staring at you in the grocery checkout aisle.

You need to know that you are not alone and you need to stop feeling bad about it. What a Classic (SJ) or an Organic Structure (NFJ) might do annually, you’ll do tri-annually. That is of course unless you are super lucky and have a maid or a house keeper. So, go ahead and get inspired by those annual magazines and then implement them on your one, two or three year plan. 

But, for argument’s sake, let’s say you can’t let go. Let’s say you live with a Classic who is NOT okay with a tri-annual Spring Clean — or frankly, you know deep down that tri-annual thing never happens. That’s when you need to create a fake deadline to inspire you. Throw a May Day party at your home and make sure you invite some of your more judgmental friends and family. It’ll really get that angst going to get it all done in time. You’ll likely think about starting in April but most likely will get it all done a day or two before the party. But, who cares, it’ll be done. Your Classic spouse or roommate will no longer be grumbling and all will be well with the universe.

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