Dear Katie & Kelly,

We have new neighbors across the street. They seem weird. They come and go at odd hours and it’s not just a couple with their kids. There are a few adult women who live there and two men. They’re from abroad so maybe they have more than one wife. I don’t know. I am sure they’re not a threat but part of me worries they’re terrorists. I am an Organic or maybe a Classic.

Worried in Wheeling.


Dear Worried,

Thanks for the belly laugh. That was awesome. Now, on to our advice: First it’s rude to gossip about people when you don’t know them from Adam. The polite thing to do is to bring over a plate of homemade brownies, welcome them to the neighborhood, get their actual story and then gossip about them. Follow this advice unless they’ve lived there for about 10 months in which case we probably got a letter from them talking about what to do about these weird neighbors in their new neighborhood who are reclusive and prone to giving them dirty looks.

Enjoy your next block party!
Katie & Kelly

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