New Use For Sock Drawer Organizers (Yes, Really)’s tip from Family Circle’s Website  “55 Ways to Clear Clutter” mystified me at first, but then I realized it was for a neat nick living with pigs (a.k.a. kids old enough to go into your fridge) “Place a plastic sock drawer organizer in the fridge to keep small snacks like yogurt and cheese sticks organized and easily accessible to kids.” —Amy Keroes, founder of Mommy Track’d

As a Classic, I hate messy fridges. And it’s hard to keep them neat.  I’m almost always digging to get to things even when they’re relatively clean. I know a few Organic Structures, Smart Structures, and Funs who get annoyed by the fridge mess too. Plus, way too often mini food containers get hidden behind bigger things, and I forget about them until I do a clean sweep of the fridge and they’ve sprouted a rainforest of mold. So, the idea of mini things all stored in their own unique homes is appealing. But, when I think about the reality of implementing this idea (i.e., after coming home from the grocery store, weighted down with a 20 month old, a stroller and bunch of bags) I don’t see myself doing it. The LAST thing I want to do after a grocery trip is arrange kid snacks in a sock drawer in my fridge.

My hunch is that no matter what your personality type, someone who is insanely busy without full time help (even if they ARE a neat nick) might not take the time put the sock drawer together in the fridge when they get home from the grocery store and refill it. this tip is only for a Classic or Fun with one well-behaved kid or a plethora of children WITH full-time help. Wait, I take it back, this tip is for people who actually take the time to put their actual socks into a sock drawer organizer.

A tweak you could do if you’re an Organic or a Smart (or any human being who doesn’t put socks in a sock drawer organizer) would be to have a bin in the fridge where you dump all of the kid snacks (or adapt this idea for a frequently used category such as sandwich fixings etc.) and then anyone can easily grab the bin and dig for their food themselves w/o messing up your fridge. My Organic Freedom sister with her Smart Freedom husband has done this somewhat successfully. Yes the deli meat and the cheese get mixed up together, but the sandwich fixings are always in those same two big bins.

Best for Classics & Funs, adaptable for others.


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