Dear Katie & Kelly,

One of my best friends is about to get married to her high school sweetheart … only he’s not such a sweetheart. I know people he works with and they told me that he has slept with quite a few people in their office while he’s dated my friend. My instinct is to keep it to myself but I also don’t want to let my friend down. Should I tell her before the wedding? I think I’m a Fun Structure.

Mulling it over in Michigan


Dear Mulling,

Wow that dilemma is almost above our pay grade. Almost.

First, we bet he’s also a total a-hole otherwise you wouldn’t believe those stories. Second, you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. But if we had to pick our hell it would be keeping our mouths shut because you always shoot the messenger and hearsay doesn’t hold up in a court of law for a reason. If it’s true, she’ll find out on her own at some point and your job is to be there with a stiff drink and a shoulder to cry on whenever she needs it.

Hold tight,
Katie & Kelly

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