Nurture by Nature
If you have kids, you know how different they can be. But Nurture by Nature by Paul Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger actually breaks it down into the 16 recognizable personality types. Here you’ll get the insight needed to parent your child in the best way for their natural personality preferences. For instance, some kids need loads of structure while others need to be HELD during a time-out. Yes. Crazy. But it works.
Nurture by Nature is the book that I’d gift Amy Chua, that nutty/crafty Tiger mama who wrote Battle Hymn of The Tiger Mother — the link is to my blog piece on her because I cannot in good conscience advise anyone to read her memoir. Every child is different and therefore every child requires different parenting techniques. This piece of wisdom is ignored at your own peril.
Click on the above photo to watch the Clip on You TubeMy son is only two and half years old so I don’t know his personality type yet. (Although Katie is guessing he’s an Organic of some sort…and this book can help you suss them out even at two.) But, I do know that when he is throwing a tantrum, if I start tickling him and rough housing with him, 99% of the time he immediately starts laughing and forgets his tantrum. This would NEVER have worked on me as a child. Or how about the time that Organic Freedom Aunt Katie — or Tee Tee! — got my son to eat the rest of his dinner by saying “How do the little piggies eat?” and then encouraging him to mimic a pig in a trough with his plate just like in A Christmas Story. My buttoned up husband and I can never get him to do that no matter how many strict rules we impose like no cookie if you don’t finish your meal. Clearly, what motivates Ted, isn’t what motivates my husband and me. (And why Organic Katie thinks Ted is an Organic!)
This book is for everyone. Buy it today by clicking on the above photo or click here. It’ll send you to our Pixie Bookstore — hey, a girl’s gotta make a living!
Originally published February 8, 2011.