A variety pack of coffee pods!
A variety pack of coffee pods!

I don’t know why Kelly thinks that coffee pods are something that can actually be worth the time they save. To me it’s like pancake mixes. How much time is saved not having to add some baking powder and a dash of salt? Seems like another scam to me. However, it’s my pancake mix loving husband who actually makes the pancakes, so who am I to judge?

One of our five universal tenents of organization that apply to all our Pixie Personality types is: “Reduce organization as close to one step as possible.” so if pre-measured coffee pods take out a step in the making of coffee, then all the power to them. Less steps, easier life, Pixie Approved. Short of having a Downton Abbey staff, we’re not going to get making coffee any easier.

*Full disclosure: if you click on the image or coffee pods links and order them from Amazon, we’ll get a little cut. But Katie has been using the Nespresso ones for 15 years and so we stand by our endorsement!!




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