
Dear Katie & Kelly: I’m going to a family wedding in a different city this fall and children are not invited to the reception. I have young kids and don’t know what I’m going to do with them. I had assumed since it was a family wedding that we would all be invited. What do I do? I don’t feel comfortable leaving my child with a complete stranger in a town I don’t know.

Signed: Unsure in Utah

Dear Unsure: First, figure out what babysitting set-up they have for guests with children. Inquire with family members close to the couple about who is the best person to ask logistical wedding questions. Once you’ve figured out the point man, then inquire with this person about your babysitting options. Some brides set-up a separate reception for the kids on premises or arrange to have a kids party back at a hotel with a few sitters. You could also set up the latter scenario with other family members or visiting guests that might have kids as well. Other brides might hook you up with sitters they know in the area. If none of these scenarios work or it’s truly a stranger watching your child and you’re uncomfortable leaving them, you or your spouse could skip the reception to babysit the child back at the hotel and just attend the wedding or one of you could skip the trip altogether.

As you sort through what to do and probably get annoyed at the bride and groom while doing so, keep in mind that inviting children to receptions (not to be confused with the wedding ceremony) is a relatively new phenomenon. Plus, the couple might be Classics or Smarts who stick to tradition in which case it’s nothing personal so don’t take it that way.

All our best: K & K

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