When buying for Organics, don’t go too practical. Sure, some Organic Structures might appreciate something practical but this personality type more than others is going to interpret a sleek new alarm clock they didn’t ask for as a “I guess they don’t really care” more so than other types. Unless they asked for it, don’t go there. These shape of their favorite state cutting boards shows you put some thought into what makes them happy. It retails for $40 and the only caveat is that anyone under the age of 25 isn’t likely to appreciate a cutting board as a gift. I could also see a few Classic Freedoms and Fun Freedoms digging one of these. They even do custom ones from anywhere in the world.

Next up is this Co-Op hand woven scarf from Apolis Global Citizen. For $96, it’s definitely getting into the 99%er category but it illustrates a gift giving principle for Organics — when possible go for something with meaning and harmony. With this scarf, there is a positive helping story behind it — if you go to the website they practically show the nice Indian lady weaving it for you. Organics love harmony and what could be more harmonious than giving a gift that helps improve others’ lives while improving their own wardrobe’s fashion quotient? For Organic Structures it’s great because their practical side would probably stop them from ever buying an expensive scarf. I’d also bet a few Funs would dig this scarf and perhaps a few Smarts. Don’t give it to a Classic, it pushes them too far beyond their boundaries to be a safe gift. Male or Female could dig this one.

Another idea is a personalized case for an iPad where you could upload a photo of their kids or their grandkids, dogs etc. Something they love. Or you could do the same for their Nook or a Kindle. This gift could make a good generic gift for all personality types. But, with Organics, make sure you pick a design that has some meaning behind it even if it’s just their favorite color. Giving them a black cover for their electronic device would be roughly the equivalent of coal to an Organic.


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