Organics (NFs) are driven by many things but one of their main drivers is harmony. Usually this desire for harmony pertains to dealing with other people but when it comes to resolutions, harmony takes on a more inner quality. Like Funs (SPs), the how behind completing a resolution needs to be specific but the difference is that unlike Funs, your motivation isn’t  purely about enjoyment — it needs to fulfill you in some organic or spiritual way. And then of course there’s the added layer of differences between Organic Structures (NFJs) and Organic Freedoms (NFPs).

As a Classic (SJ), I’m often struck by the fact that Organics always have a story behind things. Be it their possessions or why they’re doing something. Even if I have the same goal as an Organic, the rationale behind their goal is almost always deeper and more meaningful than mine. Either that or I’m just shallower than most of the Organics in my life. Exhibit A: I workout because if I don’t, I end up looking like a fat blob and that’s what gets me up in the morning. But, one of my best friends, an extroverted Organic Structure, goes for long walks with her friends in the wee morning hours. I’m betting a solitary outing to a treadmill wouldn’t have the same pull on her at 6am as they do.

My long winded point is that if you just make a resolution to work out more or use the exercise bike more, you’re potentially setting yourself up for failure. Attach meaning to the activity/resolution and you’ll power up your motivation. If you’re say a grandma and want to exercise more because it’s for your health, make it even more personal — it’s for your health so you can see your grandkids graduate from college or get married or what have you. Be very specific and attach meaning and you’ll find a little more motivation to stick with it. Also, your desire for harmony means the buddy system attached to any resolution is the perfect way to force you to do something because you hate to let people down.

Oh and the main difference between Organic Structures and Organic Freedoms is that the former are much better at sticking to a routine once it’s firmly in place. Organic Freedoms are notorious for breaking routines even once they’re firmly established post that psychological 90-day mark. So, for Organic Freedoms when you’re getting specific about attaching meaning to the resolution, make sure you incorporate an ability to switch around your routine while sticking to the resolution. Truly the Organic Freedom needs a kind of hybrid Fun/Organic approach to resolutions. Make your routine a global — “I will ride a bike, play tennis, or do some sort of physical activity x times per week so that I will live to see my grandchildren get married.”

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