A few weeks ago at dinner with some business school friends, one of them told me that she still uses a travel tip I gave her six years ago. I was flabbergasted because I couldn’t believe I knew what I was talking about six years ago as my sister and I had just started our professional organizing business. The tip was basically a twist on making a packing list. Not a big surprise given the fact that Classics, and especially me, love lists more than Gollum loves Precious in Lord of the Rings. But, she also reminded me of another — I think even BETTER — travel tip that I gave her.

The reason some personality types (Classics, Organic Structures, and Smart Structures) like lists more than others is because what’s inside our heads isn’t usually well organized until we put it all down on paper. Then it’s all clear and in addition the end product (a list) acts as a ready-made, tangible double check. My Classic husband makes a list each time he packs. I did too. Essentially, it calms us as we stress ahead of a trip and ensures we don’t forget anything. What’s even easier though is making one list and storing it either with your suitcases or somewhere that makes sense to you.

My list is pictured above, I put almost everything I could possibly ever want to pack for a trip on it. My friend — sadly I don’t know her type — has a regular list plus a seasonal one she refers to as well. If you are a list lover type then my suggestion is to make a copy of this master list and then you can essentially delete the things you don’t need and check off things that you’ve packed. You could also take a photo of the list on your smartphone and then you have it anywhere your phone is (and can ensure you repack everything when you’re headed back home). 

Now for my favorite tip, which I assume is insanely Classic but I bet some other types who travel a lot could get behind — or anyone who dreads unpacking when they return home. Maintain a permanent toiletry kit that’s a mirror of everything you would need on a trip. The slow way to getting this done is to buy two of each toiletry as you run out. Then the extra one goes straight into your future permanent toiletry kit. The quick way to get this toiletry kit is to buy two of everything (maybe a few travel size) all at one time: two shampoos, two conditioners, two razors, two eye-shadow kits, two mascaras, two face washes, etc. Voila, packing made easier.


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