Pedestal Sinks Are for Sadists: How to Organize Under the Bathroom Sink

undersink12Unless you are a secret sadist, pedestal sinks are purely for powder rooms. You’ll need and use under sink storage. Units with almost all drawers are best as they provide immediate structure without much effort on your part. But if you don’t have drawers, install an under sink pull-out drawer  and corral smaller items in matching bins. If a full pull-out drawer isn’t possible — often pipes and valves limit what you can do — install a narrow drawer on one side and put bins on the other. Organizing a bathroom is similar to doing a kitchen. We liken it to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle or that old computer game Tetris.

Under stink storage should be for big stuff like toilet paper and cotton balls and extra stuff you picked up at Costco. If you are forced to use it for everyday storage because you don’t have a medicine cabinet, then good luck. Especially if you are an Organic or Smart. It’s just going to be a nightmare if you don’t have a medicine cabinet. You guys need to have things out in the open to remember you have them, so a medicine cabinet makes that a two step process and you can have it hidden in plain sight. Classics and Funs could actually use the under stink storage daily by placing caddy of your everyday stuff there and taking it out and putting it back once you’re done with your daily ministrations, but it’s still annoying.

undersink2What’s great about the under stink storage is usually it’s stuff you couldn’t make a decision about and really should have just thrown out. So give yourself an hour or two and just throw out anything you forgot was in there. And then install the pull out shelf and before Bob’s You’re Uncle, it will look like this beautiful after picture.

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