If you’ve got junk, papers, and coats strewn around your dining room, it’s probably because you haven’t set up the proper systems to keep things organized. Without these systems in place, the dining-room table and its irresistible clean surface will quickly become the depository of what we like to call “inappropriate storage.” The easiest way to avoid this is thinking about the golden dining room rule: “Thou shalt not use your dining room as a home office.” This is the first step to keep it organized regardless of your personality type. But what if you’re an ENTJ? What other dining room rules should you follow? Let’s break it down.

All About ENTJ (Pixie Type: Smart Structure)

ENTJ stands for Extroversion, Intuitive, Thinking and Judging. Traits of ENTJ personality types are:

  • Self-Confident
  • Energetic
  • Charismatic
  • Inspiring
  • Strong-Willed
  • Efficient
  • Impatient

As most of you know, the Myers Briggs system was integral in our creation of the four pixie types. There are 16 different Myers Briggs personality types, all identified by different letter combinations. These letters are: E/I, S/N, T/F, and J/P. They stand for Extraversion versus Introversion, Sensing versus Intuition, Thinking versus Feeling, and Judging versus Perceiving.

ENTJ’s (Pixie Type: Smart Structure) are clever and inventive, and the architects of change in this world.

ENTJ’s (Pixie Type: Smart Structure) are clever and inventive, and the architects of change in this world. But if you’re an ENTJ, you probably already know this as you’re incredibly intuitive and self-aware. You’re the ones who always end up running things even if you consciously try not to do it. You make up only 10% of the American population, and yet most CEOs, presidents, and people in charge, etc. are ENTJs. It’s probably because you’re intellectually curious and adept complex problem solvers — perfect born leaders, and maybe even a little bit smarter than the next fellow. As a group, you are analytical, driven and set a high standard for everyone, including yourselves.

The ENTJ’s Dining Room

Here are some of the best ways to keep your dining room clean and organized when you are an ENTJ;

Leave messes for the kitchen

Leave Messes for the Kitchen and Living Areas: We know you appreciate and want a “Great Room” of your own if you don’t already have one. But the benefit of a formal, separate dining room is that it’s easier to keep an eating-only room neat if you’ve got other spaces to cook in, live in, and get a little messy. Make sure you have a home office somewhere else, though.

Get Some Glass Cabinets: The dining room is the one place in which glass cabinet doors are not an idiotic obstacle for ENTJs, as long as you only store the good china in there and don’t use it every day. You tend to have a lot of sentimental china that doesn’t quite go with stuff that you use on a day-to-day basis. Having them on display will not only look nice, but remind you of their existence and why you held onto them in the first place (maybe they are from your wedding, or inherited from a relative). They may not be the type of thing you want to store in an attic or basement never to be seen again.

If you have animals or small children running around and want to do open shelves instead of glass cabinets, store items in low, flat bins. These are great for storing napkins, placemats, and other items you don’t want to keep in your kitchen.

Zip-Lock Baggies Are a Lifesaver: We thought we’d found every use for those plastic baggies- wet bathing suits, soiled baby clothes, travel bags for kids’ toys, etc.- but we’ve just uncovered an additional use: storing silver flatware. If you never take the time to put each piece of silver in its proper slot, they allow you to forego the flatware chest altogether. A chest is an unnecessary step when ziploc bags do such a bang-up job of keeping silver free of tarnish, and they can easily go in drawers or lie flat behind opaque cabinet doors.

The Most Important Thing to Remember

The Most Important Thing to Remember

Dining rooms are for dining! Nobody wants to dine where a computer sits or tax forms linger. We don’t know exactly why, but if a dining table doubles as anything, it immediately stops being used for dining. Ditto for a kitchen table. We know some of you are reading this and thinking, “well, I have a desk in my dining area, and we still eat in there,” but trust us: the room would be a lot more inviting for meals without a desk or papers hanging out. If you’re short on space, acrylic ghost dining chairs give the illusion of more space and literally blend into the woodwork.

Unsure of what personality type you are? Take our quiz here! And once you have that figured out, buy our book on Amazon and get more tips and tricks on organizing your house based on your type.

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