These two ideas for dad from Martha are pretty ingenious. The first one works best for Smart Structures (NTJs). I know, such a small group for it to be a good idea, but those Smart Structures are some of the hardest ones to get gifts for and to surprise them with a sentimental book idea? Priceless.

Now while Smart Structures will love this present, Organic (NF) softies are going to love it too, mainly because the bookmark is hand made and sentimental. In theory, Fun Freedoms (SFPs) and Classic Freedoms (SFJs) will appreciate the extra work that went into it, and the practicality of it, but chances are they’re not the BIGGEST book fans and will be dutiful in their appreciation of the gift, but not excited.

If you really want to hit one out of the park with all Funs (SPs) and Classics (SPs) (and frankly Smarts (NTs) and Organics (NFs) too) create this flip or “brag” book that Martha has cooked up. Sure it will take a little extra time, and yes if you have thought about Father’s Day last month (oh Classics) then you might already have a fancy printed and bound photo book wrapped and ready to go. But if you aren’t and you don’t, this one is pretty easy to make and customize, and all dad’s worth the effort are going to appreciate it, probably more than you know.

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