This is another of my husband’s “specialties” (please read quotes with a sarcastic smirk.) Short of bacon wrapped dates or Chicken McNuggets®, these little puppies are always the first to vanish at a party. And don’t bother making them, go straight to your freezer section. Put some mustard in a ramekin and call it a day.

I never make these because there’s no point. If I made them, they’d look ten times worse and I’d be ten times as tired. When I googled pigs in a blanket, I actually found recipes for doing it from scratch and I seriously cannot believe there’s a human being outside of a professional chef who has the time to prepare these things from scratch — Martha Stewart, of course, recipe is here — when they exist in your grocer’s freezer section perfectly prepared FOR you. But, there’s probably tons of Funs and Smart Structures who take the time to make things special for parties who are rolling their eyes at this Classic’s “get ‘er done” attitude toward parties. But, you’ve got to know your limits in life. Mine is making pigs in a blanket.

I’m partial to Hebrew National® because those are the only hot dogs worth eating in my book. They taste amazing, all beef, no artificial fillers. Plus, in my crazy mind since they’re Kosher they can’t be bad for me. My reasoning is as follows: if they’re Kosher then they’re more careful making them and there’s a lower probability of factory shenanigans akin to those from The Jungle. I know, I know that was the turn of the last century but man did that book have an impact on me. I still try not to think about it when I eat a hot dog. Oh and make sure to also have ketchup for those non mustard lovers out there.

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