For Mother’s Day look around for stuff in your mom’s life that might not be in tip top shape. In other words, think about what your mom rea lly needs. Things that are used everyday such as coffee pots or even oven mits take a lot of wear and tear. They might not be sexy gifts but it’s always nice to get new ones.

I break things like it’s my job — glasses, draw knobs, appliences — you name it, I’ve broken it. Sometimes these things are mine, most of the time however they are not. is the place for me because not only can I buy mom the china I have broken over the years but I can add to her collection — even if it hasn’t been manufactured in decades. We might’ve mentioned this one before but it warrants repeating because it’s just like pixie magic.  

If you’re not a klutz like me, you should still keep pixies in mind when shopping for mom. Nespresso makes a top of the line one cup machine that comes in a slew of colors. It’s called — drumroll — the Pixie. We are in love for obvious reasons as well as seeing it in action. It’s also super compact. But, it doesn’t have a built in milk frother so you might need to buy one. They’ve got a great one at Williams-Sonoma. Order it with Williams-Sonoma now and have it shipped free to your mom.

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