il_570xN.719634225_kfsbToday we share some fun tidbits about personality type. So, why are we making you dork out with us?? It’s three-part logic really. (1) It’s FRIDAY!! (2) Fridays make me feel like a kid again and (3) I was a dork as a kid. Proof of my dorkiness besides my sister’s vigorous head nodding? A girl who’s into dinosaurs as a child will almost certainly be hopelessly geeky as an adult and possibly a distraught Cleveland Browns fan (although always hopeful in August and September!)

Okay, but onto today’s tidbit based on actual data … This one hails from the Myers-Briggs® Foundation. They found that even though personality type distribution differs across different cultures, eerily (my adjective, not theirs) there are similar patterns of distribution across cultures. And the most predominate personality type across ALL cultures is (drumroll, please) Classic Structures (STJs).

Organic Freedoms (NFPs), the Classic Structures polar opposite, probably shudder reading this factoid, but deep down they already knew it to be true. Plus, it makes sense in an evolutionary way. Classic Structures are so practical and hard working that in scarce times millions of years ago, they probably ensured the survival of the human race with their attention to detail and advance planning (no big surprise that this type are often engineers). And lest you think Organic Freedoms have no “evolutionary” purpose, pulleez, they probably wrote a poem about it all that they plan to finish … sooooon.

Happy Friday


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