I think the saying “remember the good old days” is popular because things always seem to be better when you’re looking back on them. I may be a young intern, but having lived for 21 years in New York City — the fashion trend capital of the country if not the world — I can confidently say there are some trends, and most especially in fashion, that should stay firmly in the “good old days.”

The main offender can be found at any mall or school pick up line throughout the country — MOM JEANS. Yeah sure they looked super hot in late 80’s early 90’s but let’s face it, these things only look good on skinny minnys like AnnaLynne McCord and if you don’t know who she is, then you shouldn’t be wearing high-waisted jeans! And unless you’re a cast member of Portlandia (another reference Katie & Kelly don’t know) the Calvin Klein high-waisted jeans should be left the in the back of the closet, or better yet, the trash. If, for some unGodly reason they are acid wash please just skip the trash and just burn them. 

Now which personality types are more likely to be caught hanging onto their “mom” jeans, or other outdated items? We hate to point fingers — okay, well sort of — but we wager the practical, more logic oriented types like Classic Structures (STJ) and Fun Structures (STP) will stick with what they know because it makes sense and it’s easy. Trying new things when you don’t have competence in an area is hard. So if they grew up when mom jeans and sweater sets were trendy, and they don’t see the point of fashion, then they’re going to stick with what works.

Classic Freedoms (SFJ) and Fun Freedoms (SFP) might also tend to hold onto old trends longer than they should, especially if they have some personal connection to the style. But if they’re prone to peer pressure and have friends who are fashion bugs, then they will have already gotten rid of their bootlegs and are well into the skinny jean. Smarts (NTs) are also going to stick to more classic styles, which by definition defy trends, so we think they might have stuck with what looks good on them, like these wide legged ones that are flattering for every body type!

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