The title might sound like it only applies to an eight year old girl just discovering the need for hair conditioner, but you’d be surprised how many grown adults don’t know how to properly do this simple, yet important hair routine. I include myself in this group because minus the last 6-12 months or so since I learned this tip, makes for roughly 30 years of improperly conditioning my hair.

The last tidbit I took away from Amy Gerber, hairstylist to the lucky around the world, when she gave a talk to the NY Network, was how important proper conditioning is. First, she advises only to condition your ends. This is brilliant because of course what gets the greasiest first? My roots! Naturally, I started following her advice immediately and I can much more easily skip a day of shampooing my hair — a godsend as an entrepreneur/mother without fulltime help. Second, she advises using a large comb to comb out your hair after apply the conditioner. My hair stylist, Michele at Serenity Salon in NYC, gave me about a year ago and even though it seems a needless step, it does wonders. Plus, if any hair is going to fall out, the comb takes most of it in the shower and not when I’m blow drying it. Before I started for the comb, I’d always have to practically de-fur whatever I was wearing when blow-drying my hair.

This tidbit doesn’t seem to require separate personality tips. I’m betting Classics and Funs might be super practical and try to use a comb that they have on hand, which is fine as long as it’s big toothed. The smaller the bristles, the harder the task of combing through knotted wet hair. And some brilliant people once said, Life Should Be Easy®, so don’t make it harder on yourself than it needs to be.

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