Real Money, Just Laying Around

Real Simple had a great easy way to find money on their Savings web page … change your change into cash. Now, as a general rule, we find that men have more coins hanging around their house than women because men don’t generally have wallets with change compartments. So, this tip might not be super helpful if you’re not living with a guy or a gal who doesn’t have a change purse.

Real Simple suggests as a good spot to find free places to change your coins. I was underwhelmed by the site. I change coins without putting them in rolls for free at TD bank branches. But, beware of changing too much all at once at TD banks. I’ve read of one complaint where the machine stops counting at $500 and he knew he had more coins than that (long story if you want to read it). Even easier, but not free, is using Coinstar machines. They’re everywhere.

If you are having one of those days where you feel like you’re not saving enough or you can’t buy something because you don’t have the money. Go on a treasure hunt (or if you have kids, make them do it and give them a cut) and then find the nearest Coinstar machines

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