Today’s PixieTip is a home office solution for one of our favorite Funs. If you read the full article you can see how it evolved from our original solution to how it sits today in her new house. Plus, we reveal a few of our secrets on why we would guess it was a Fun solution even if we didn’t already know her personality type.

Well, first things first, let’s address how we know this is a fun. The initial dead giveaway that the person who arranged this bookshelf might be a Fun or a Classic is that the bookshelf is organized by category. The books are with the books, the photo frames are with the photo frames, the file boxes are with the file boxes. Classics and Funs love putting things in specific categories. Organics and Smarts would more likely mix things up on the shelf. The second clue is that all of the colored boxes are organized by color. Light blue with light blue, tan with tan, etc. Again, this is something both Funs and Classics like to do — like with like. This particular Fun would’ve continued with the same color scheme as things began IF the Container Store would stop having seasonal color changes. Can’t they have just a few colors that remain always and some that change?

Now, onto how we would suspect this solution belongs to a Fun and not a Classic. First the frog adds a bit of “fun” whimsy to the arrangement. But it’s what is inside the boxes that helps us make the final decision. The subjects of the papers inside the boxes are not organized by subject and a Classic would NEVER organize this way! A Classic would try to either alphabetize the subjects or group the like subjects along with the colors. And if this wasn’t enough, Classics are the most likely out of all the types to have a filing cabinet so it’s absence is also a semi-clue. (It’s not a full clue because so often space can restrict the purchase of a filing cabinet.)

Also, regardless of The Container Store’s changing up their storage box colors, we think that Funs might tend towards a more colorful, rainbow like solution! Because, y’know, it’s FUN…

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