Back again with a tip from “Glam New Closet” In Style, January 2009: “What’s flirtier than hanging your dainty under-things from a pretty knob [i.e., use an attractive drawer pull as a wall hook]” Of course, I laughed at their unintended play on words (or was it?) This tip is a version of our tip about hooks from a couple weeks ago. It is something that I wouldn’t think to do as a Classic, but it could still work for me.  

As an ever-practical Classic, my concern is whether a drawer knob mounted to a wall would limit what you could hang. Part of the practicality of a hook is that they hook your clothes. Knobs are meant to pull open drawers and doors and in a spot hang something, but they can be more beautiful. But, perhaps I’m being too literal. I’m betting this solution works best for aesthetic Funs, Organics Structures or Smarts Structures. While it’s a nice idea for Organic Freedom big sis Kate, she tends to pile too much stuff on her hooks, and the knob would just become overwhelmed way to quick to be a useful tidy tool.

Restoration Hardware had some cool knobs. And also this tip reminds me of a source that I used last week for In Style’s suggestion to put cool drawer pulls on your nightstands. Anthropologie. I’d say the latter would be perfect for Organics and Funs. I’d say Smarts would more likely be attracted to the Restoration Hardware knobs.  

Best for Funs, Good for Organics

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