Dear Katie & Kelly,

I’m an Organic Freedom and need to lose weight and get into shape but I have trouble sticking to a routine. I’m always starting something and then dropping it. Do you have any advice?

Desperate in Duluth


Dear Desperate,

First, there is a great personality type book on fitness called the Eight Colors of Fitness, buy it & follow her advice. Alternatively, partner up with someone incredibly rigid about routine and who also wants to lose weight — preferably they should also be pushy so they will force you to workout when you try to break your routine. Next hire a personal trainer who you pay to ignore any attempt on your part to break routine. Once you’re in shape, you will eventually go back to breaking your routine since you can’t stand your workout buddy and your personal trainer is probably a nihilist. Trying is better than doing nothing, right?

You can do it!
Katie & Kelly

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