
Fall is the best time to do “Organizational Spring Cleaning.” Why? Because Spring already has a lock on getting rid of Winter’s cobwebs and dust. Fall is about battening down the hatches and getting ready for the cold to come. So whenever the cold season is upon you, take the time to go through the abyss that is often known as the front hall closet before it threatens to topple down upon you in a sea of scarves and mittens from the 70s.

Half of all the personality types has trouble doing this gargantuan task because they — Organics (NFs), Classic Freedoms (SFJs) and Fun Freedoms (SFPs) — use subjective criteria to get rid of hats and coats and jackets. They can’t possibly part with that bright 80’s shade of orange hat that their grandmother knit for them before they went off to college. That’s right, a gift from the dearly departed, home-made, and reminds them of when they left home for the first time: a triple whammy.

This is when we ask those overly weepy types to take stock with three important questions. Do you love it? Does it make you happy? Is it useful? C’mon, it’s day-glow orange, there’s no way you love it. And yes, we know it’s useful as it can technically both warm your head and alert oncoming traffic to your presence crossing the road. But hey, does it make you happy?

If it doesn’t fill all three of these criteria then you should probably let go of it. But let us assure you that doing this is difficult. We suggest putting it away in your attic, garage or basement in a place for sentimental items you don’t use, love, or find delightful. Give yourself a year or two and if you still miss it, then retrieve it. If you don’t? Then be brave and chuck it. (Yes, donate if need be.) And realize that even then you might get a bit weepy.

For all you dry-eyed, cold hearted logical types? (Calling all Smarts (NTs), Classic Structures (STJs) and Fun Structures (STPs)!) Yes, we know there’s something in this closet that you don’t want to let go of either and it’s okay. Just make sure that you love it and that it makes you happy, too. And don’t go throwing out all your weepy boyfriend’s stuff without consulting him okay?

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