“Scrapbooking too labor-intensive? Try this easy alternative: Collect mementos such as cards and photos in a large envelope, one per family member. Once a year, pare down the stack and transfer to a designated file box.”

This one is a no brainer for me. I have always had these bizarre daydreams that one day I would have a broken leg and suddenly have the time and inclination to get together all my mementos into a scrapbook. Actually, I thought I would do it when I was pregnant. HAH! The only person who did that was my next door neighbor who, bless her heart, was unable to walk for most of her pregnancy, and was facing a true life and death situation when the twins were born. She’s the one who made individual albums for all her kids. And though I’m pretty sure she’s a Smart Structure, (big picture thinkers who cross things off their lists) I think all types would do the same in her situation.

That said, for all those times when life is not truly life or death, this file box idea is genius and one I can attest to working. A once a year task isn’t onerous for any type, although most Funs, Organic Freedoms and Smart Freedoms will do it when they feel like it. I actually use file folders (I mentioned them in “Quit Bringing in the Trash!”) to dump my kids stuff into and when they get full and ornery and embarrassing, I transfer them over to a pretty white storage box. This is also a great idea for busy Classics who find themselves temporarily overwhelmed with too much on their plate. It’s a great way to store projects on your long-term To-Do list that you’ll get to one of these days soon!!

Originally published January 15, 2010.

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