Dear Katie & Kelly,

My boyfriend is obsessed with making a “sex tape”. I don’t want to be a killjoy but it’s not really a turn on for me so it would really just be for him. Any thoughts, either way? I’m a Classic and I think he is too so it’s odd we feel so differently about this!

Sexy in Cincinnati


Dear Sexy,
Of course you feel differently about it; he’s a guy, you’re a gal! Sorry to be sexist and throw out stereotypes but sometimes they exist for a reason. “It would really just be for him” … until it’s leaked. Aren’t all sex tapes eventually leaked?? This turned out incredibly well for Kim Kardashian but for the rest of the world, it probably just means some future boss will see it doing a background check on you years from now. But, hey you never know, maybe that gets you the job?

Bon Chance!
Katie & Kelly

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