This goes under the category of “Don’t Knock It Until You’ve Tried It.” I was a skeptic when Kristin — our intern extraordinaire — first threw out this idea during one of our PixieTips brainstorming sessions. Intrigued and realizing I’m probably old and out of the loop, I googled it and found a plethora of “how to” YouTube video recipes for not just Skittle vodka but a bunch of candied vodkas.

Skittles, gummy bears, Starbursts, and Jolly Ranchers. You think of a fruity candy and apparently someone’s thought of how to make it into a specialty vodka. Skittle vodka as well as gummy bear and Starburst vodka seemed to take more effort than Jolly Rancher vodka. Skittle vodka seems perfect for those who don’t mind a few more steps to get a delicious tasting candied vodka. There’s soaking the Skittles, then straining it post soaking and then transferring it back into the bottle. Ditto for Starbursts and gummy bears. Perhaps these candied vodkas are best for more patient Funs, Organic Freedoms and Smart Freedoms. Click here for the Skittle “how to” video on YouTube.

Jolly Rancher vodka seems to be almost effortless beyond having to presort the flavor you want. Click here for the YouTube video. I tried making a mini batch of the Jolly Ranchers one this weekend. You clear a little room in the bottle for the Jolly Ranchers, let them dissolve and voila, a party conversation piece. This recipe called for 8 candies per pint of vodka. I mixed the result with some Diet Sprite and while it was no gin & tonic, I thought it surprisingly rather pleasant. Perfect for more impatient Classics, Organic Structures and Smart Structures.