Smarts (NJs) can appreciate perfection but they’re rarely the ones who like to see to all the minutiae. Nothing makes them happier than when someone else takes care of the details for them. Out of this observation springs our advice for the best kind of gifts for Smarts — anything that takes care of the details for them. First up, a set of Letterpress stationery that’s pre-stamped from The Forgetful Gentleman. You don’t get higher quality than Letterpress and frankly, who wouldn’t appreciate pre-stamped envelopes? It would make anyone’s life easier.

This idea of gifts that take care of the details came from Martha. She called them “Great Pairings.” The stationery was under her “Luxe Musts” page — so if you read last week’s Smart Gift Ideas then it should come as no big surprise that I thought it would be great for Smarts. But, today’s tip is all about attending to details FOR Smarts. Martha’s idea is to buy someone a beautiful cachepot like this one pictured from Ben Wolff, $18, and then also include some seeds, about $2. Martha forgets to mention the necessary potting soil. Honestly, what’s the point in a giving someone one a pot and seeds without the soil? Either Martha IS a Smart — she’s always forgetting these details — or she assumes everyone on the planet must already have potting soil.

Martha also suggests a cocktail shaker with linen cocktail napkins. This is great because it pairs our first rule for Smarts — high quality — with attending to the details — one needs cocktail napkins if serving cocktails. But most likely a Smart that drinks already has a cocktail shaker. So my real idea was her suggestion to get this iceball maker from Muji, $11.75, with accompanying flask of micro-batch whiskey from Kings County Distillery at Pasanella and Son. The iceball chills without melting too much and destroying the flavor. But, I’d give at least two iceball makers. I mean, one iceball? Talk about a lame gift, “Here’s one ice ball, enjoy drinking that whiskey all by yourself so you can work on your secret drinking problem.” Almost all Smarts will already have a few nice drink glasses so you don’t have to worry about that detail.

Smart Freedoms often are a bit more looser than Smart Structures when it comes to gimmicky gifts. The Organic (NF) gift idea of shape of a state cutting board is the kind of thing I might send one my friend Xili in London if we exchanged gifts. I know she’d get a laugh and likely use it when entertaining.

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