Earlier this year we found some REALLY bad new uses for old things in Real Simple — “Reuse that old remote to hide money and other valuables” that you’ll forget are in there until you realize your husband threw it out because it looked like trash to him. Oh wait because it was trash. These ideas were a belated Christmas gift to us when we were desperate for content. But, we feature Real Simple in PixieTips all of the time for a reason. They’re usually brilliant. Like today’s new use for an old frame. I mean, seriously, my dog might be able to pull this together. Okay, maybe not but my Organic Freedom (NFP) sister could.

And I’m by no means comparing my sister or any Organic Freedoms to a dog. It’s just that they have so many good intentions to do craft projects and never get around to them. Or rather they get around to them, just two to ten years later. But, this project would take any personality type maybe 30 minutes to do. Grab an old frame. And if you don’t keep fabric remnants hanging around, grab an unworn scarf to place on the back. Or even a beautiful piece of wrapping paper. Tape it to the back of the frame and then throw on some beautiful items and voila! Now the Peonies are a nice touch but they’ll die soon but it’ll still look amazing.

The image featured is VERY Organic (NF). I’d say Classics (SJ) would do with a bit more angular of a frame and some more preppy-ness added into it. Perhaps a more geometrical background — stripes plus a less ornate, frilly frame. Stick to traditional wood. But, I do think the thicker the edge of the frame the better as it looks more like a tray that way. Funs (SP) might go the extra mile and paint the frame a bold color. Smarts (NT) well, I’d say go the Classic approach.

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