As my Organic Structure mom often mentions, we’ve come a long way from her youth of stockings stuffed with apples and oranges. Although truth be told, mom’s lame stockings were probably because her Organic Freedom mother had forgotten to buy stocking stuffers and gathered what she could in a panic on Christmas Eve when her Organic Structure daughter wondered aloud what Santa would put in their stockings. Today, we have some neat small gift ideas for all types — this photo is from our favorite idea, Cake Wrecks.

Cake Wrecks has a new book out called Wreck the Halls. This is the type of gift that keeps on giving all year. The cover says it all — store decorated cakes that go horribly wrong. It reminds me of the time when I was 12 and made the family a Valentine’s Day cake all by myself. I even tried to fit Happy Valentine’s Day on there. The operative word being tried. My mom cam home to find a white sheet cake that said, “Happy VD!” It took her a while to stop laughing and explain to me what was so funny about my cake. I almost pee in my pants whenever I flip through my sister-in-law’s copy of the original book. I think everyone but the most practical types will appreciate this so probably best for Fun Freedoms, Classic Freedoms, Organics and Smarts.

Vosges salted caramels $7.50. My good friend Heather, an Organic Freedom, is working at Vosges and she reminded me of how I equate these with heaven. This is good for all types in a stocking unless of course they’re aneroxic, diabetic or on a diet.

$5 for a can of Sofia sparkling wine with a straw from the Francise Ford Coppola Winery. If you’ve got a lot of presents to go through on Christmas morning it might be nice to throw this in everyone’s stockings. It’ll help the morning have that extra tinge of Christmas warmth. I guess this is for all types who aren’t afraid to break rules one day a year. Plus it’s 5 o’clock somewhere in the world.

It’s a french toast stamp. I mean, who doesn’t need AND want a french toast stamp??? I found it on Fred Flare, which is kind of a great website for all things fun, cheap and stocking related. The runner up was bacon bandaids but I couldn’t figure out which personality type would most appreciate those over the age of 10. Katie says that Funs, Organic Freedoms and Smart Freedoms will definitely appreciate anything full of youthful whimsy. And for the rest of you practical types, Fred Flare has a page titled “99 Things under $9“.

Just remember for Classics get something traditional and practical. For Funs something practical but artisinal. For Organics something artisinal or with meaning. For Smarts something useful and/or high quality.

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