Straight Hair, Pressed Collar

Okay this one just floored me. What an awesome idea! It might be because I usually don’t notice the detail of a rumpled shirt, and also because there are three solid floors between me and my iron. It’s hard to tell from this photo in Real Simple, but that’s a flat hair iron. Works in a pinch.

This is one of those ingenious ideas because you’re not hoarding something you should throw away. You’re coming up with a clever additional use for something that stays in your drawer when curly hair is trendy. Which for Organics and Smarts means they’ll probably forget about this idea. (Sadly, out of sight is out of mind for us.)

So, this will work for Organics and Smarts who notice the detail of wrinkly shirts, and who also are sporting a straight hair style. But y’know the Smarts probably already had their shirts pressed at the dry cleaner, so that leaves Organics, who frankly more than any other type, forget about these details…(But not all! My Organic Structure mom is a stickler for pressed shirts, although she refused to do my Smart Structure dad’s.)

No, this idea is a special clever practical idea for Classics and Funs. But, chances are that you guys have an iron and are good at wielding it. This column of Real Simple’s is especially made for you guys whilst traveling. Our only aim is to prevent the hoarding. Just make sure not to get more than one (like one for travel and one for home use). You only need ONE. Really.

Best for Classics and Funs

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