There are people in this world meant to handle surprises and then there is me. One of the last times I flew, I realized I didn’t check my wallet for my driver’s license as I always do. I thought, “No big deal. It’s always in there. What a silly routine I make myself do before leaving for the airport.” But when I got to security, “Surprise!!” No ID. Ensue mini-meltdown. I’d left it on my mom’s desk after coming back from a Cleveland Browns game where I’d taken it out of my jacket pocket — purses are a nightmare in stadiums these days. I got on the flight but only because my husband channelled his inner Fun (SP) and saved the day — a little bit of politeness, credit cards and a checkbook with my home address got me on the flight.

Classics (SJ) have their silly routines for a reason. When crisis hits, we’re not always the best at handling things. Ironically, if someone ELSE is wigging out, I’m Johnny on the Spot but if it’s me? My mind shuts down unless I’ve encountered the problem before or earned a Girl Scout badge for it. Be Prepared is most likely my soul’s secret motto because when I’m not prepared or haven’t experience it before, I act as if my fate is sealed. 

The reason some personality types are better able to handle surprises while travelling is essentially how their brain is wired. Funs are great in a crisis and at coming up with practical solutions in the moment. Perfect when you learn your flight is being redirected to Philadelphia. Ditto for Organic Freedoms. In fact, Dario Nardi — Anthropology professor at UCLA — has done studies demonstrating how the latter’s brain is in a blue state — all cylinders synchronized and calm — in the midst of crisis. Mine probably looks like a ticker tape parade.

I’d say that personality types with more logic are often better able to handle a travel crisis by not over dramatizing things. This would mean Smarts (NT), Classic Structures (STJ) and Fun Structures (STP). But when travelling, these logical types — especially Smarts — can take out their frustrations on airline employees without realizing it, which gets you nowhere fast. Plus there are times when logic can get in the way of making the best out of a bad situation.

Generally, personality types that love routine and structure — Classics (SJ), Organic Structures (NFJ) and Smart Structures (NTJ) — are always going to have a tougher transition to any last minute surprise travel change. Over time, I’ve learned to flex my non-preferences and can appear unflustered by travel snafus and last minute changes/cancellations. But, it’s taken a lot of careful study of how other personality types handle these types of setbacks to not default to my innate “over” reaction.

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