The Best Personality Type Solutions from BHG

Out of all the personality type based solutions on the Better Homes and Gardens website, there were literally only one or two per personality type‚ (besides Classics) that PixiesDidIt! would recommend. First up is a spot-on solution for an Organic Freedom (NFP) and Smart Freedom (NTP). It’s perfect for these types because it uses funky vintage items in a new and clever way.

The antique hooks for keys and glasses are great because they need to see organization to remember it. BHG recommend the silver food dome to act as a paperweight on your incoming mail until you’re ready to deal with it, but that’s a mistake for Organic Freedoms and Smart Freedoms. When it comes to the deluge that is daily incoming mail, these types need to take a page out of the Fun’s (SP’s) strength handbook and deal with it the minute it comes in. Although I do want that dome to put over my magazines and catalogs. And yes, the whole thing will also work for Organic Structures (NFJs) and Smart Structures (NTJs) and they could actually use the dome as indicated and it wouldn’t become a big mess in a week.

Next up are the Funs (SPs). There really wasn’t too much that was exemplative of these detail oriented types who often come off flaky to the outside world because they aren’t great at time management. But they do know how to keep things organized once they have a system that works — and most traditional solutions will work for them — but they ARE fun, and tend to like bright colors and yes, you guessed it, game night. So this solution on the right works pretty darn well for them. 

This office organization is perfect for both Organic Structures and Smart Structures. Why? Because there’s lots of horizontal surface space for them to spread otu and work. Plus there’s also lots of horizontal storage space. That’s key to these two types (Organic Freedoms and Smart Freedoms too.) But BHG really doesn’t get these gys becaues there’s another solution that has tons of file cabinets. File cabinets? Ugh. Worst thing for these visual types. File cabinets are where papers go to die for these guys. Only use them for taxes and other such distasteful papers.

It was hard to pick just one for the Classics (SJs) because most organizational soutions are tailored for traditional them, but this one caught my eye for one very specific reason. I know Kelly guessed it right off. Yes. It’s the clipboards. These cubbies would work for many types, but ONLY a Classic would have clipboards on teh back of their kids cubbies. I mean seriously!

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