Click here to visit this organizing blogger to make labels more fun!

Today I was at PixiesDidIt!’s favorite client’s home to do a “tune-up.” Well yes, this is an easy way to stay organized. You hire us! I jest, I jest. Well, sort of. Taking care of the beginning of a mess before it becomes a hoarder’s pile is a fine line and one of that even the best of us has dangerously ridden. Okay fine, I’ve crossed that line way too many times to count as most of my loved ones can attest. But let me be clear: I have never started a hoarding pile that has been properly labeled.

When the Favorites, both Classics (SJs), first called us, we had to look behind closet doors and inside drawers to find their clutter. Today they were in the process of moving things around so most of the clutter was out in the open but not long for the home it had found since we had been called. But as I was surveying the trouble areas they had mentioned, I snuck a look at a project I had completed  last time I was there. Always good to see what organizational systems are working and which ones aren’t. I won’t say I was surprised, but I was a little bit smug. Things had moved a bit, but on every shelf, with arrows when something wasn’t clear were, you guessed it, labels. Yes I probably wouldn’t have done this for myself, an Organic Freedom (NFP) who has yet to label her efforts in the basement playroom, and who’s Smart Freedom (NTP) husband has thwarted all prior labeling efforts, but here, in the home of two very busy Classics, this simple yet efficient and tested system had withstood almost two years, a toddler, a new baby, two working parents, house guests, and the patchwork of help the modern family stitches together.

So unless you’re living alone, or with someone who cares as deeply as you do about putting things back where they belong, if you don’t label things, you run the risk of ending up like me, desperately asking people not to tidy because they don’t know where to put things back, and I, an Organic Freedom, hate to tidy. Even more than I dislike white and black labels with sterile fonts. Yes, I know many of you Organic (NF) and Fun (SP) types bristle at the idea of labels. I bet plenty of Smarts will just make fun of the idea, I mean who can’t remember where something lives? Anyone who has a lot going and a lot of people coming and going and helping out in their home, that’s who. So do what you have to do to make it interesting. Buy yourself a souped up label maker with a zillion fonts, go on our Pinterest page and get some ideas. Funs make it Fun, Organics make it your own, and Smarts, hire someone like us to do it. And yes, our dear Classics, we know we had you at label.

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