little baby was my favorite engagement gift. Frankly, it’s the only one I remember and I remember who got it for me, oh, sorry I mean us. My brother-in-law and his most awesome wife Maureen. She is a bit of an espresso queen and the responsible party for this gift that I recieved 10 years ago and is still going strong! They unfortunately don’t make my model anymore, but Nespresso’s customer service is so top notch that I don’t hesitate to recommend this company full force.

How do I know? Well, the machine stopped working 5 years ago and I sent it (for free using prepaid UPS labels) and they gave me a loaner! Also, Nestle has made making espresso as easy as ordering from a Barista. I daresay it takes less time. I swear it makes more sense than my mom’s regular ol’ coffee maker. (Thankfully she also has a Nespresso machine, and is addicted to it too.) newer machines are even more automated, so if you are a Fun who enjoys the experience of making an espresso, or is worried about the environmental consequences of the aluminum pods that make the experience so easy, maybe you should go a more traditional route. But for those of us who, um, don’t really care? So cool, and only 50 cents a pop! Take that Starbucks! (And yes, just as yummy if you ask me.)

Oh and a Nespresso boutique will take the used pods, or if you are truly concerned about the environment and want cheap and easy espresso, you can empty the pods out and put them with your other aluminum recycling.

Good for Organics, Smarts, Classics

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