Okay, well, not lazy, but definitely EASY! This is a great Real Simple tip. Use chalk as a moisture absorber to prevent tarnish. This idea was likely devised by either a Classic (SJ) or a Fun (SP) sick of polishing their silver constantly.

Tie up a few pieces in cheesecloth and store them with your good silver to slow any tarnishing.

I decided to put this one to the test. I put some chalk in with my silver a few months ago and it is without tarnish today. Mind you, I didn’t have any cheesecloth on hand so I didn’t follow part of the tip. In addition, my silver is also encased in anti-tarnish bags and rarely seems to tarnish so I’m not sure whether it’s the chalk or not. I feel like the silver that I store in bags does pretty okay.

My tarnish problem is when I actively use silver in my daily living that it tarnishes. For example, I display this beautiful antique simple sterling silver bud vase that my best friend, Sarah, got me as a bridesmaid gift. I wish there was some magic formula you could put on once and then never have to polish silver again. It’s probably why my mom — an Organic Structure (NFJ) — doesn’t keep any silver dishes out. She likely doesn’t want to have to deal with the occasional polish it requires.

I love being surrounded by silver. It feels so opulent. So, Downton Abbey. And a little tarnish doesn’t both me until every once in a while my cleaning lady polishes it and then I realize how bad it looked before. As a Classic Freedom (SFJ), you’d think I’d notice this detail but I think the thrill of owning silver things somehow blurrs my usually acute vision. Maybe I’ll put some chalk in my silver vase and see if it acts like a magic protective tarnish forcefield! A girl can dream, can’t she?

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