The Number One Top Secret to Organizing Your Kitchen

Lazy SusanWant to organize your kitchen the easy way? Here’s our number one top secret to magically transforming any kitchen, not matter how worn or new:

The Lazy Susan

Yes we’ve talked about this old girl a number of times, but she is magical. She’s perfect to retrieve cans from the back of a cupboard as easily as spinning a wheel, or find the Cumin before your husband goes out to the store to buy more. It’s also magical for all those vitamins you forgot you had until they’ve been expired for three years.  The big ones are great for cleaning supplies under the sink, or (Mom and Dad we’re talking directly to you here!)  all the bottles of sauce and salad dressing in your refrigerator.

Yes, the round shape in a rectangular space means that you technically have less storage space, but since RETRIEVAL is the backbone of all organization, it’s better to find than to have and not reach. Yes we’re getting philosophical now. So here are the best Lazy Susans to buy. And click here to buy them as then we’ll actually get some money from our hard won efforts to find the easiest way to organize! Bamboo looks good and will last through a couple of humid summers but we’ve found that it starts to warp after a while, so stick with the cheap plastic, the fancy plastic, or the hard core stainless steel. 9″ is the perfect size for most upper cabinets but double check your fridge and under your sink for the big ones.

There’s a reason the double decker plastic is not listed below. Mom and Dad have used two double decker plastic Lazy Susans to store their vitamins for years and the plastic supports break and fall out easily and it wobbles dangerously and is very annoying and if you’re like most types you will just put up with it. This isn’t good. Life should be easy and wobbly means things falling and this is not easy. Like dripping water on a torture victim or boiling a frog alive, these small things add up terribly over repetition and time and can negatively impact your life even if you don’t consciously know it. Okay, rant over. Go shop your way to easy!

Best value for upper cabinets: 

Better looking and has a nice rim to keep things from slipping off:

This is the only double decker one you should get. While most upper cabinets are 12″ deep, many Susans are slightly wider than advertised at first glance. The ones we picked are not:

Here’s a nice big one for under the sink or an old style refrigerator:

Here’s a nice quality one for side by side shallower fridges and a better quality plastic one for upper cabinets. The image is for a 16″ one but if you click on it, you will also be given the option of buying an 11″: 

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