The Perfect Bod — the Miracle of Push-Up Bras and Spanx

If I had a dollar for every time I heard a women say, “ugh I look so fat,” or even the ever blurted out “I wish my boobs were bigger,” I’d have quite the little bundle of cash. But there is no longer any reason for us girls to have any qualms about our bodies with all the products available today that help us fake perfect bodies. And unlike the girdles and torpedo bras of yor, these ones are much more comfortable. Maybe you won’t look exactly like the model in the picture but, I mean who really wants to be toppling over all the time like she must with those jugs?

Spanx are gods gift to every woman, large or small. Put these puppies on and you look at least one size smaller and they smooth out every bump and bulge on your body — especially that annoying post-baby pooch. Kelly, who is in better shape than just about anyone I know, suggested using control top panty hose. Katie and I both made a face because they tend to dig into our bellies creating an unattractive divet — they may do just fine for a skinny girl like Kelly who thinks her flat stomach is poochy. So, if your body is already perfect go ahead and make yourself feel better and buy some control top pany hose — the rest of us will stick with Spanx.

I recently tried on the Miraculous Push up Bra from Victoria Secret and let me tell you, my normally B-cupped girls were giving Dolly Parton a run for her money. This bra is not for the faint of heart and adds a whopping  two cup sizes. They even took it a step further and added the bra into several shirts, dresses and even a bathing suit top.

We think it’s not just the skinniness that makes Kelly drawn to the control-top pantyhose. Pantyhose are pretty old-school Classic, as well as practical. So Funs might go for that cheaper option as well. The Spanx are more innovative and ingenious, so we think they’d be the first go-to for Smarts and Organics. Now, we also have a suggestion for those of you prone to IBS, no matter what your type. Go for a bigger size than you are. Still smooth, less tight. Or try on a bunch of different brands at your favorite department store and go with the one that’s most comfortable. This way you can gage how long you can stand the Spanx, or all the other body smoothing garments available today.

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