When I first read this organizing personality type on Better Homes and Gardens, I automatically thought of my sister and her Classic (SJ) ways:

Predictable and reliable
Structured, but not afraid of spontaneity
A rule-follower

Sounds like a Classic, except for that spontaneity thing. But tomorrow when I tell you about The Librarian, you’re going to say, no, wait, THAT’s the Classic. So who is this Schoolteacher? I’d say it’s the Organic Structure (NFJ) and Smart Structure (NTJ), because the solutions for the Schoolteacher are “Ideas for Strategic Organization” and if that’s not for a big picture structured planners, I don’t know what is. The only caveat here is that the Organic Structures might not identify themselves with being either a Schoolteacher or a strategic organizer. And while Smarts are definitely strategic, they certainly won’t like the schoolteacher moniker.

Also BHG solutions for the Schoolteacher don’t entirely ring true, “To create a clutter-free home, look to these hardworking storage solutions that appeal to your sense of orderly calm.” Orderly calm isn’t something that comes easy for an Organic Structures or Smart Structures or what they naturally strive for. First because they need to have their organization out in the open like the “artistic” or Organic Freedom and Smart Freedom types. Second, both these types like to surround themselves with either their things that tell a story or “trophies” that show their achievements.

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